Archive for the ‘ trump ’ Category

Suspension of the 2020 Election

If the 2020 election was ‘postponed’, as trumPsycho-trumpito and some others have ‘imagined’ might be a good idea, for a couple or so of insane reasons, how many “high level trump administration people”, and most members of Congress, and probably some SCOTUS judges, do you think would be alive January 1, 2021?

I suggest most likely very few.

If you play with fire and then get burned, be surprised at such at your own extended idiocy.

Racist Is As Racist Does

What a BULLSHIT stance by Don Lemon, which actually doesn’t surprise me.
Is he REALLY _THAT_ person now?? (actually, he has been for quite some time)
I don’t understand why MM didn’t elaborate on his comment.

This is what he SHOULD have said:

If you hold down a woman and help a man rape her, YOU ARE A RAPIST.

If you hold down a MAN and help a man rape him, YOU ARE A RAPIST.

If you hold someone and let someone else beat them badly, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL.

If you hold someone and let someone else beat them to DEATH, YOU ARE A MURDERER.

If you light a Molotov Cocktail and someone ELSE throws it and a structure is burned down, YOU ARE AN ARSONIST.

If you support a sexist person, YOU ARE A SEXIST PERSON.

If you (still) support a racist, YOU ARE A RACIST.

This is NOT brain science or rocket surgery.

This should be common sense and obvious to the point of being self-evident.

And SHAME on anyone who thinks, believes, speaks, or acts differently.

Citizen Soldier

(this is inspired by, and partly borrowed from, a speech from
the TV show “Colony”, with a little of this and that borrowed
from here and there, for good measure, wrapped in inevitability)

We, the People, are under attack. As is our beloved country, the United States of America.

But our enemy didn’t come from overseas (or from the South). And they are not Muslims. Our enemy was already here. Most of them are self-proclaimed so-called “Christians”. They are not foreign enemies, they are domestic enemies. Not only have they shown their true colors, but they fly them shamelessly.

The ONCE-GOP Republicans and Conservatives only needed one resource in order to achieve and maintain control of our country, and we surrendered it to them without a fight. Make no mistake, the occupation of our government is rooted in moral compromise. Men and women who have told themselves that the only way to survive is to join the enemy, that the treasons they have committed against their own kind and their country are justifiable. That they had no other choice. Others seek corrupt greed and power lust, at all costs, without responsibility or accountability.

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An Editorial for the Ages

I find it hysterically hilarious when I “meet” a ONCE-GOP Republican/Conservative SUBporter of Depressident trumPsycho (aka trumpito), and I point out that they are an ignorant, organically stupid, self-based, generally unkind & uncaring, lacking in compassion and empathy, low-intellect, low-class, low-rent, low-life, indecent, uncouth, disgraceful, disgusting, shameful, deplorable, worthless, toxic, scumbaggy, petty sub-human being, and they think they are not.

It is VERY sad, because they are Oh, SO wrong. (they may have to mix & match some of the descriptives above, to give some of them the benefit of the doubt, though it’s always levels and degrees and manners, and more of them apply than fewer, in most cases)

They are basically mind-broken, with light to egregious sociopathic tendencies. They are mentally and emotionally violent, and on the constant edge of physical violence. They tend to be unabashed bullies, who thrive on the discomfort and pain and suffering of others, often finding it humorous. They tend to be overly selfish, self-centered, self-interested, self-absorbed, self-entitled, and exhibit self-destructive behaviors and attitudes in the extreme. (and the VERY FEW who are at least minimally intelligent

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Trump Meme Imagery

A collection of all or most of my Anti-trump imagery.

Trump And Charlottesville: Too Little, Too Late

The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

trump is a 9-year-old, petulant playground bully.

trump has no moral authority – never has, never will.

trump is at least, is at best, indirectly responsible for the domestic terror attack, and other violence, at Charlottesville, VA on Saturday, August 12, and whatever comes next.

trump is a weak, imbecilic, racist, blind, tone deaf, immoral, hypocritical, pandering coward and wreaking failure.

trump wallows in his false equivalency of terrorists and victims of terror. (American and otherwise)

trump’s nauseating claim of “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides”, along with the above-mentioned traits and characteristics and behaviors makes him a sympathizer, an apologist, and practically, if not actually, an accessory after-the-fact, and before-the-fact, to Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, and White Nationalist domestic terrorism.

trump is, for all intents and purposes, a Neo-Nazi / White Supremacist / White Nationalist Domestic Terrorist sympathizer, if not collaborator.

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A Giant, Inflatable Trump Rat Appears in New York City

New – York – City?!?

Although I initially thought that “The Trump Fiasco” was going to be bad, and in some ways imagined it worse than what is currently going on, which is actually a bit hard to believe, I also thought that, realistically, he probably wouldn’t be much worse than Bush 43. (there was probably WAY too much naive hopefulness and denial involved in that) However, it has now become transparently clear that it is literally unbelievable how horrendous it truly is. There are literally “no words”, and not enough ‘bad’ words in the English language to adequately describe the situation.

At least people are ‘fighting back’ and resisting and all that. Some of us, anyway. Not enough of us. If we’re lucky he will be impeached and removed. If someone assassinated his ass, which would not surprise me in the least, I wouldn’t even blink. I would be thankful for “small favors”, and hope that Pence would then not be as bad as Bush 43. (at least he was a governor)

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