Archive for the ‘ Spirituality ’ Category

In Memoriam — Mr Black – The Cat — RIP

As with my previous In Memoriam for Simon, this is also a dedication to all of my children, and others, over the years, feline and canine (and human), over a couple of dozen, over almost 60 years.
I can, did, would, and would have said the same and similar things about all of them, no doubt more to follow, if I am so lucky.

With eternal love and gratitude.


Ave Atque Vale
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In Memoriam — Simon – The Cat — RIP

This is also a dedication to all of my children, and others, over the years, feline and canine (and human), over a couple of dozen over almost 60 years.
I can, did, would, and would have said the same and similar things about all of them, no doubt more to follow.

With eternal love and gratitude.


Ave Atque Vale
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BE Well: A Spoonful Of Medicine

You do not have to be unhealthy, sick, ill, dying, or near death (almost everyone, almost all of the time).



trump (and others) Shamed

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A Note To Survivalists and Preppers

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I Did This Personal Tarot Card Reading JUST for YOU, Reader


#WHEN will #Racism, #Sexism & #Bullying FINALLY be considered #UNamerican??

And when will people start behaving as such?

#TimesUp #MeToo #CommonDecency #FeelTheShame
#WeHaveLostOurSenseOfShame #ZeroTolerance
#MAAA #MakeAmericaAMERICAagain


On A Wing and A Prayer


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Gun Gods

#NGUNS (Never Give Up, Never Surrender)
#god #jesus #allah #religion
#gun #guns #GunGods #HomoSapiens #weapons
#philosophy #violence #peace #truth #reality
#iWin #WINNER #Winning
#THINK #rationality
#humor #satire #parody #PerformanceArt #lol #funny
#man #men #REALmen #yolo

Happy Easter, Jesus Christ

(I wrote this and never published it, so I went over it again, and here it is)

I am NOT a Christian. (or a “Christian”)

I thought about becoming a Christian, but then I realized I would be the only one.


As my first aside, I did create my own “religion”, of sorts, of which I am the only (official) member. It is called Aquarianis. Or, The New Age Mystic Order of the Aquarian Knowledge of The Christ Ideals. (where “christ” is literally translated as “The Chosen One(s)”) It is probably best described as a New Age form of neo-modern pseudo-‘Xtianity’ based on the concepts and precepts of primitive Christianity (+/-) with a paranormal, supernatural, and mystical flavor. (although, actually, associating it in any way, shape, or form with ‘Xtianity’ more or less does it a disservice) It has more to do with spirituality, especially True Spirituality, than “religion”, although is does have dogmatic elements. It is meant to be as “pure” as possible, though. Aquarianis translates loosely from the Latin as “for all Aquarians”. This alludes to the Age of Aquarius, which we are in, or starting, depending on how you like to interpret such things. Probably close enough for Government work to call it a Go at this point. Perhaps I’ll talk more about this in another journaling. Link:

This entry is not about Aquarianis, it is a book review, of sorts, of a literary tome titled, “The Vegetarianism of Jesus Christ : The Pacifism, Communalism and Vegetarianism of Primitive Christianity“, by Dr. Charles P. Vaclavik, publish 1986. It was re-published under a different title, with added material, as “The Origin of Christianity : The Pacifism, Communalism and Vegetarianism of Primitive Christianity” in 1989. I have not read the revised edition.

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