A lighter version for those less confident in their censure.
An actual coup has been enacted against the United States of America, and trump is the witless semi-unwitting accomplice.
(Ignorance is NO excuse; he IS GUILTY)
trump is mentally ill, psychologically unstable, and seems to be exhibiting some form of dementia.
trump is a pathological liar and is ‘suffering’ from Malignant Narcissistic Personality Toxicity Disorder, at BEST.
And, like all sociopaths, he is inflicting all of it on others, in this case, America herself, our citizens, and the World.
(including those who are too ignorant and self-destructive to realize, understand, and see what is going on, a.k.a. his supporters, most of whom deserve all the bad things life has to offer for their ILLk [sicK])
trump is an ignorant, con man KLOWN who SHITS on America, Americans, the U.S. Constitution, and all Good and Decent things that America USED TO stand for, on a DAILY basis.
“Pr*zident” donald trump is a dirty snowflake-covered cupcake, and should be, MUST be, IMPEACHED, forcefully removed from office, and imprisoned for Life for his High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
And similarly for all other UnPatriotic UnAmerican DREGS of UnSociety who support him and have turned America into UNamerica.
#MakeAmericaAMERICAagain #MAAA
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