At least it’s so dark you can’t see the tears streaming down her face.
Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
The Statue of Liberty trumped.
Oct 25
At least it’s so dark you can’t see the tears streaming down her face.
Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
The Statue of Liberty trumped.
Oct 24
aka Klown Syndrome
Too bad we didn’t see articles like below BEFORE the election. Although, realistically, it may not have made any difference. Probably would have not made any difference at all. There are too many DREGS of UnAmerican Society who have gathered together to destroy America. (with a little help from their “friends” – and with friends like that, who needs enemas?)
And they succeeded. They elected trump and now continue to support him. “This Much Concentrated Sadness Is Claustrophobic.”
There aren’t enough ‘bad’ words and the like in the English language to adequately and properly describe the situation as it now stands, and has been unfolding for the last two years. Not a good time to be speechless, but when America and too many (so-called) Americans have lost their sense of shame, and common sense, and common decency, and worse than that (with too many of them not having any of it at all in the first place), you can’t really do much more than what some are attempting, which is basically too little, too late. It is, unfortunately, probably far too late.
trump and his cronies and supporters are MUCH too corrosive for the nation to survive their onslaught.
Oct 20
Oct 15
trump is A Terrorist!
An actual coup has been enacted against the United States of America, and trump is the witless semi-unwitting accomplice.
My most fervent HOPE is that donald trump is legally and lawfully EXECUTED for Treason.
He and all of the other UN-patriotic UnAmericans who support him.
Oct 12
It is important to support all businesses that are anti-trump, and refuse to do business with businesses that support trump.
Local billboard lasts less than a day in Chico, California.
I will go there and buy something even if they don’t have anything I want or need.
We do not live in America anymore, we live in UnAmerica. — MAAA = Make America America Again!
Oct 11
Breaking News: trump and his Regime are “Depraved”
After tossing pieces of cheap cake to the destitute residents of Puerto Rico, interest in blade sharpening and enrollment in blade sharpening classes by true patriots escalated across the land once known as America.
Oct 3
Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control! Gun Control!
Do you have it out of your system yet??
Gun Control = When supreme IGNORANCE meets extreme IRRATIONALITY
Gun Control = When widespread IMMATURITY meets sad, BASELESS fear
Anyone and everyone who thinks ANY kind of so-called “gun control” would prevent things like the Las Vegas shooting (or ANY of the other RARE instances of “gun violence”) has no intersection with Truth and Reality. PERIOD.
p.s. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is NOT “a suggestion”. Your “they didn’t know we would have something more than muskets, much less nuclear weapons” non-argument is SPECIOUS, ASININE, and IGNORANT in the EXTREME. PLUS, it is not only JUST about the 2nd Amendment – there is also over 200 years of Case Law and Supreme Court decisions, which are RARELY mentioned by anti-gun enthusiasts. THAT in and of itself shows how truly uneducated, uninformed, ignorant, and highly irrational you all really are.
#RIP #Condolences #ThoughtsWithoutPrayers
Oct 2
Sep 30
Like 9/11 was “A New Pearl Harbor”, the next False Flag attack on the United States will be “A New 9/11”.
It’s been almost 20 years, so it’s about time. “Some” would probably say it is ‘past time’. And, no doubt, “some” would say it is a ‘good time’.
Especially considering what’s happened the last year or so.
They’ve used planes, so if only in a creative sense, they will most likely use something else next time. (maybe)
Oklahoma City used a Ryder truck, as did the 1993 WTC bombing. I guess U-Haul needs to up their advertising game. (or lower their prices? — terrorist funder pocketbooks aren’t bottomless, you know)
Considering the more-than-a-little-scary penchant and interest in nuclear weapons and actually using them by Trump, that is very likely a strong possibility. Add in the North Korea bullshit, as well as the apparent extreme desire for “someone” in the U.S. Government and related extra-governmental influences and interest in destroying Iran, and Bob’s Your Uncle. The Nuclear Option is as good as any other, and possibly ‘better’ than most others, if not all of them.
Sep 27
Donald Trump is A Terrorist.
My fervent #HOPE is that #donaldtrump is #legally and #lawfully #EXECUTED for #Treason.
#trump #IMPEACH45 #fml
Donald Trump is well into his March of Terror across America,
not unlike Adolph Hitler and his Fascist Regime in Europe.
Trump should be tried in a court of law, found guilty, impeached,
removed from office, jailed, and then executed for his Treason.
The Legal, Lawful Punishment for Treason is Death.