Archive for the ‘ Informative ’ Category

Stranger Than Strange

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Screen snapshot of Netflix streaming series “Stranger Things”, Season 2, Episode 6, “The Spy”, 19m:43s. “Stranger Things” is an American science fiction-horror web television series released in 2016/2017. The series was developed as a period show establishing its time frame in the 1980s.

The image displays an anomaly, in that skies like are shown above DID NOT OCCUR in the 1980s. Ever.

Skies like this started showing up occasionally in the mid to late 1990s, mostly after 2000, and especially after 2010. What some people think are jet contrails are NOT contrails, they are aerosol spray trails. These persistent GeoEngineering Aerosol Spray trails (GAStrails) are purposely man-made and contain toxic elements, like nano-particle aluminum and other poisonous substances. They are a “modern” phenomenon.

For more information, see:

Don’t Worry — Be Happy!

#trump scored 30 out of 30 on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (which “proves” he does not have ‘dementia’).

I should GOD-FUCKING HOPE so!!

Is THIS REALLY the “standard” we are going to use to determine if a “president” is not mentally unfit?????


[I am attempting to get a copy of his assessment test via FOIA — stay tuned….]

Blind trump

Man-Child Denial

#ManChild #juvenile #infantile
#Impeach45 #IMPEACH #IMPEACHtrump #trump #donaldtrump
#MuellerInvestigation #MuellerTime #Mueller
#TREASON #traitor #AmericanHorrorStory
#dementia #DementiaDonald
#FOOL #JOKE #SAD #IDIOT #embarrassment
#America #UNamerica #UNamerican #ButtonEnvy

Starting 2018 Out Right

Tell donald trump to Fuck Off!

#Impeach45 #IMPEACH #IMPEACHtrump #trump #donaldtrump
#MuellerInvestigation #MuellerTime #Mueller #TREASON #traitor
#AmericanHorrorStory #MentalIllness #Narcissist #narcissism
#dementia #DementiaDonald #FOOL #JOKE #SAD #IDIOT
#embarrassment #USA #America #UNamerica #UNamerican

trump is A Coward Terrorist!

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Net Neutrality Verizon Protest Sign

#Sign I made for the Chico #NetNeutrality #protest.

#StopTheFCC #VerizonProtest #Verizon #ajitpai #cats #dogs #spay #neuter
#Internet #FreedomOfSpeech #Comcast #Xfinity #cable #CableInternet
#FCC #government #gubmint #rally #HighSpeedInternet #broadband

The End Draws Nigher and Nigher

It’s nice to know that others are finally speaking out frankly and vociferously, and trying to do something, and seeing the situation for how bad it truly is. There is actually true insanity involved in this situation. That has become very clear. trump is A Clear and Present Danger to the United States of America, or as it has become, and will continue to become, UNamerica.

Psychologist John Gartner: Why the Mueller probe makes Trump dangerous

The co-founder of Duty to Warn says “there is an 80 percent chance [Trump is] going to push that nuclear button”

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Sick and Tired

I am seriously getting SICK and TIRED of this BULLSHIT.

When will ENOUGH be ENOUGH?!?

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