The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ
trump is a 9-year-old, petulant playground bully.
trump has no moral authority – never has, never will.
trump is at least, is at best, indirectly responsible for the domestic terror attack, and other violence, at Charlottesville, VA on Saturday, August 12, and whatever comes next.
trump is a weak, imbecilic, racist, blind, tone deaf, immoral, hypocritical, pandering coward and wreaking failure.
trump wallows in his false equivalency of terrorists and victims of terror. (American and otherwise)
trump’s nauseating claim of “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides”, along with the above-mentioned traits and characteristics and behaviors makes him a sympathizer, an apologist, and practically, if not actually, an accessory after-the-fact, and before-the-fact, to Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, and White Nationalist domestic terrorism.
trump is, for all intents and purposes, a Neo-Nazi / White Supremacist / White Nationalist Domestic Terrorist sympathizer, if not collaborator.